Caputo Gluten Free Flour (Fioreglut Flour) is gaining popularity, which is why it has been on my list to try. My hesitation was the hefty price and one of the ingredients: wheat starch. The results one can expect when baking loaves of bread and pizza crusts with the Italian gluten-free flour blend are impressive!

Fresh is Real doesn’t usually bake and develop recipes with store-bought gluten-free flour mixes as there always seems to be someone who can’t consume one of the ingredients. Allowing bakers to substitute one or a few ingredients in a homemade allergen-friendly flour mix seems to work better.
However, my specialty is testing various products and ingredients, so this blog post may help if you’re curious about trying Caputo’s Fioreglut flour.

Testing Fioreglut Flour With a Bread & Pizza Recipe
Two recipes were created to review this one-of-a-kind Italian flour: a bread machine loaf and a pizza crust. As a guide, I modified the GF Vegan Bread Machine Loaf on the blog and replaced the flour and starches with Caputo’s Fioreglut flour. I did not add whole psyllium husk as there’s already some in the mix. Both recipes include gluten-free active dry yeast.
Both the bread and pizza crust recipes are at the bottom of this post.
Follow this link for the oven-baked instructions.
A basic non-yeasted dough was mixed with the remaining flour to see how it would hold up for boiled dumplings and deep-fried spring rolls. Sadly, the last two experiments won’t be worth sharing, but I’ll show a clip in the video!

Flour Ingredients
The first ingredient listed on Caputo’s Gluten Free Flour is gluten-free wheat starch, then dextrose, maize starch (corn starch), buckwheat flour, rice starch, psyllium seed fibre (psyllium husk), thickener (xanthan gum or guar gum), and flavouring.
The product is labelled gluten-free as the gluten in their processed wheat starch is less than 20ppm, which meets the FDA requirements for gluten-free foods.
Is Caputo Fioreglut Flour Vegan or Allergen-Friendly?
To the best of my knowledge, the flour should be vegan. If you want to do some research, the ingredient in question is likely flavouring (and maybe xanthan gum). Most artificial flavourings are typically vegan, but I don’t know for sure in this case.
Also, Caputo’s Gluten Free Flour label does not include any details about other possible allergens in their facility. If you are severely allergic to any top allergens or other foods Caputo processes, contact them to ask your questions.
Health Disclaimer
*Do not consume Caputo Fioreglut if allergic to wheat. Always consult a medical professional to learn if this product is right for you, especially if you have a sensitivity or gluten intolerance, celiac disease or other health condition that must follow a gluten-free or allergen-friendly diet.

The gluten-free setting cycles through a mixing, rising and baking time totalling 2 hours 59 minutes.
The loaf was ready with 20 minutes left in the cycle as it reached 210°F (internal temperature).
What to Expect
Caputo Gluten Free Flour For Bread (Baked in Bread Machine)
The gluten-free flour mix will likely get clumpy as you add liquids.
For the bread machine dough, whisking or mixing the ingredients by hand in the bread machine pan only helped it a little. The dough still had a weird gloopy texture.
My bread machine mixed the dough well before the rise-and-bake time.
Once sliced, the center of the bread where the mixing paddle was situated was a dry clump of flour. Otherwise, the bread was smooth, soft and had a springy texture.
Caputo Gluten Free Flour For Pizza Crusts
I did try a hand mixer to combine the ingredients for the pizza dough, but it didn’t improve the texture.
Even with sifted flour, the pizza dough mixture was still clumpy. The texture of the dough will improve the more it is mixed (even by hand).
Use a stand mixer if turning the whole bag (1000g) of Fioreglut Flour into pizza dough. Or put on a pair of kitchen food prep gloves and get right in with your hands to break up any chunks of flour.
The pizza dough was easy to work with and shape. The baked crust was incredible!
I can understand why so many want this flour, even if it is to bake the occasional gluten-free pizza. It looks and feels just like a wheat flour pizza crust.
Watch this video to witness my experiments and get a glimpse of all the recipes.
Caputo Gluten Free Flour For Bread (Oven-Baked)
For this version, I mixed all the ingredients in a large bowl with a dough whisk, and it was easy. Combining and mixing the ingredients with warm water and room temperature hemp milk helps. See the short video and recipe post for the oven-baked instructions.

It was easy to handle and shape into a large 11-inch crust.
Brush olive oil on the outside edge and par-bake for about 5 minutes.
The pizza crust in the photo above was baked on a preheated pizza stone in a regular oven.
Add your toppings and bake for another 15 minutes or so.
10 Caputo Gluten Free Flour Pros:
- The gluten-free flour bakes impressive tall loaves.
- The dough recipes work without eggs and dairy.
- The mix is similar in texture to wheat-based bread flour.
- The flour blend is very fine. It does not have a gritty texture.
- The dough creates the squishiest and softest bread.
- The bread had a nice crispy crust, but not hard.
- The beautiful pizza had a wonderfully tasty and chewy crust.
- Excellent flour for beginner gluten-free bakers.
- No almond flour in the ingredients, but not labelled as a nut-free product.
- Doesn’t contain soy flour (not in Canada) which is great for those who avoid soy products.

10 Caputo Gluten Free Flour Cons:
- The ingredients contain many starchy ingredients, including wheat starch.
- It is not the healthiest flour to consume regularly.
- People who are allergic to wheat can’t eat it.
- Expensive! One bag of flour makes 2 loaves. $10-25 (CAN) per loaf. Flour cost varies.
- The flour is hard to find. You most likely won’t find it at your grocery store.
- The dough had an odd smell when baking in the bread machine. The pizza crust’s baking aroma was much better.
- The texture of the dough mixture was clumpy and sticky, similar to wet cornstarch slime.
- Mysterious ingredients: thickener and flavouring. The label lists guar, but elsewhere, I read xanthan gum. Not sure what the flavouring is? It’s an additive,e but from what source?
- Leftover toasted slices did not hold up well in a sandwich with vegetable moisture.
- Confusing messaging. Is wheat starch safe for people who must avoid gluten due to certain health conditions like celiac disease? *See Health Disclaimer.

Product Bottom Line
Caputo Gluten Free Flour does what it was developed to achieve: impressive gluten-free loaves of bread and pizza crusts.
I would consider trying it again as a convenience product or to bake an occasional treat. If there is a next time, I would like to bake the dough in a pizza oven to compare the results.

How I Felt After Consuming Fioreglut Flour
Baked goods with Caputo’s flour mix expand in your stomach once it finds moisture, so I felt full and satisfied with one piece of bread, an open-faced toasted sandwich or a slice of pizza.
I did not experience a headache or nausea but felt bloated. I did not experience delayed food reactions after consuming Caputo’s gluten-free flour.
Eating bread or pizza prepared with this flour also left me parched. I couldn’t seem to quench my thirst. It makes sense as the flour ingredients are mostly starches.
Please note that many who avoid gluten do so because of health reasons. It can be challenging to pinpoint which foods make certain conditions worse. Please read the health disclaimer below.
Health Disclaimer
*Do not consume Caputo Fioreglut if allergic to wheat. Always consult a medical professional to learn if this product is right for you, especially if you have a sensitivity or gluten intolerance, celiac disease or other health condition that must follow a gluten-free or allergen-friendly diet.
Where to Purchase Caputo Gluten Free Flour has Caputo Gluten Free Flour (Fioreglut Flour) in stock. That’s where I got my bag. Although, as I was checking the product link, I noticed that the price has skyrocketed to $45 (CAN) for 1000g! Do a search on Amazon, as the cost varies significantly depending on the supplier. is often out of stock. I did find one supplier that had some, so I added the flour to my Amazon Storefront in the GF Baking Ingredients.
In the UK, the price of Fioreglut flour seems more reasonable. Do a web search, and you’ll find many online stores that sell it.

More Gluten-Free Bread Recipes
- Incredible Gluten Free Bread with the same ingredients but baked in the oven.
- Basic Yeasted Dough (GF/V): This multi-purpose dough makes buns, small loaves, or even a pizza crust. Customize the ingredients for your dietary needs.
- Buckwheat Hemp Bread: This yeasted bread recipe creates a gorgeous loaf with healthier ingredients.
- Easy Gluten-Free Vegan Bagels: Such a fun recipe to make with a little helper. These bagels are boiled and baked! The texture is soft and similar to regular wheat-based bagels. Watch the recipe video to help you.
Share Your Product Feedback
If you’ve recently tried Caputo Fioreglut Gluten Free Flour, let us know where you found it, if you got it at a reasonable price and if you liked baking with it.
Caputo Gluten Free Flour Bread & Pizza Crust Recipe
- Prep Time: Bread baked bread machine 10 mins, Pizza crust 20 mins (+2-6 hr rise)
- Cook Time: Bread GF setting on bread machine (+/- 2.5 hrs), Pizza crust 15-25 mins
- Total Time: Bread machine setting (+/- 2.5 hrs), Pizza crust 3 hrs
- Yield: 1 loaf, 1 large pizza crust 1x
- Category: Bread, Pizza Crust
- Method: Bread Machine, Oven-Baked
- Cuisine: Plant-Based, Gluten-Free, Vegan, Nut-Free, Allergen-Friendly
- Diet: Gluten Free
Caputo’s Gluten Free Flour makes allergen-friendly baking easy and perfect for beginners! The ingredients for both the bread and pizza crust are similar. The homemade hemp milk in the dough adds plant protein and always creates the softest gluten-free texture. The bread recipe was mixed, proofed and baked in a bread machine on the gluten-free setting. The pizza crust bakes nicely in the oven, but you can also use a BBQ or pizza oven.
Tools: Soft spatula, large mixing bowl, spoon, sifter/whisk, unbleached parchment paper, pizza stone or baking sheet, a bread machine or bread pan.
Ingredients For Bread (Baked in Bread Machine)
- 450g (3.8 cups) Caputo Fioreglut Gluten-Free Flour, sifted
- 300g (1–1/4 cup) homemade hemp milk* (room temp)
- 240g/240ml (1 cup) warm water (95°F)
- 10g (1 tablespoon) coconut palm sugar (or maple syrup)
- 8g (2 teaspoons) active dry yeast**
- 8g (1/2 tablespoon) sea salt
Ingredients For Pizza Crust (Baked in the Oven)
- 300g (2.5 cups) Caputo Fioreglut Gluten-Free Flour, sifted
- 130g (1/2 cup) hemp milk* (room temp)
- 120g/120ml (1/2 cup) warm water (95°F)
- 10g (1 tablespoon) extra virgin olive oil
- 5g (heaping teaspoon) active dry yeast**
- 3g (1/2 teaspoon) sea salt
Before you start, watch the YouTube video with clips of both recipes.
Instructions for Bread in Bread Machine
STEP 1 – To the bottom of the bread pan, attach the mixing paddle, add the liquids (water and hemp milk), the sugar and the yeast. Mix with a soft spatula. Wait a few minutes before adding the flour and salt. With the spatula, mix the ingredients a little while scrapping the sides down. The mixture will look lumpy, but your bread machine should be able to do the rest. If you have a gluten-free setting on yours, use it. Otherwise, experiment to find the best option. Ideally, a cycle that will mix the ingredients, proof (rise) the dough once, then bake. The gluten-free setting on the Breadman bread machine is 2 hours and 59 minutes long.
- TIP: Alternatively, one could mix everything in a separate bowl, transfer the dough mixture to the bread machine pan, let it rise for a couple of hours, and only use your bread machine for baking the dough.
- NOTE: My loaf was ready with 20 minutes left in the cycle. The bread is ready when it reaches 210°F. If unsure, leave it until the end.
STEP 2 – Once ready (yes, it will be pale in colour), let your bread cool in the pan for 5 to 10 minutes or until you can easily take it out. Finish cooling on a wire rack. Remember to remove the mixing paddle. Slice and enjoy!
Instructions To Make Pizza Dough
STEP 1 – To a large mixing bowl, combine and mix the warm water, hemp milk, olive oil and yeast. Add 150g of Caputo gluten-free flour (half the amount) and mix by hand until combined. Mix in the remaining 150g of flour until no dry bits are left. It will look shaggy and feel sticky. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, cover and rise for 2 hours.
- TIP 1 – At the 2-hour mark, your dough should be ready to shape if it’s grown in size (like double). If not, cover it and let it rise for another hour or more. If it’s cold in your kitchen, it could take longer.
- TIP 2 – Store For Later: The dough can rest on your counter (before shaping) in a cooler kitchen, covered, for up to 6 hours. To store the dough for longer (1-3 days), shape it into one large ball, rub it with olive oil and wrap it in plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container.
STEP 2 – Shaping Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Ready to Shape & Bake? Preheat oven to 425 to 450°F (see notes below). If you have a pizza stone, preheat it on the middle rack. Transfer the dough to a flour-dusted piece of unbleached parchment paper, and shape the dough with your hands (grease with olive oil or dust with flour if necessary) into one large 10-inch to 12-inch crust. You can use another sheet of parchment paper to help you smooth out the center of the pizza crust. Fold over the outside edge to create a thicker crust. Optional: Brush the outer crust with olive oil.
STEP 3 – Baking Gluten-Free Pizza Dough
Transfer the pizza dough with parchment paper to your oven on the preheated pizza stone. I use the back side of a cookie sheet to slide it into the oven. Use a pizza peel if you have one. If you don’t have a pizza stone, you can bake the dough on a cookie sheet or pizza pan placed directly on the middle rack. Pre-bake the crust for 5-10 minutes (within a few minutes, it should poof up). Take it out of the oven with parchment paper, add toppings and return to the oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Cool for a few minutes. Slice and enjoy!
*To make 1-1/4 cups of homemade hemp milk for the bread: In a small blender, combine and blend 1/3 cup of hemp seeds (organic when possible) with 1-1/4 cups of water (+ 2 extra tablespoons of water) of room temperature water (270g). The extra spoonfuls of water are necessary as you’ll be straining the frothy hemp milk to remove the larger bits. Doing so will ensure you’ll have at least 1-1/4 cups (300g) for the recipe.
To make 1/2 cup of homemade hemp milk for the pizza crust: In a small blender, combine and blend 3 tablespoons (30g) of hemp seeds (organic when possible) with a 1/2 cup (+ 2 tablespoons) of room temperature water (150g). The extra spoonfuls of water are necessary as you’ll be straining the frothy hemp milk to remove the larger bits. Doing so will ensure you’ll have at least 1/2 cup (130g) for the recipe.
**When testing the recipe, I added 3 teaspoons (10g) of active dry yeast. It was a bit much; 7g to 8g (2 teaspoons) is enough for a loaf with up to 500g of flour. I used Bob’s Red Mill GF Active Dry Yeast. I did not try instant yeast or bread machine yeast.
Oven-Baked Bread: Oven instructions to bake the most Incredible Gluten Free Bread.
Pizza Baking Temperature: You can bake the pizza at 425°F if you feel that 450°F is too hot for your oven. Doing so might take a few extra minutes. If using a BBQ or pizza oven, the temperature will be much hotter, so the total time will be much less.
Bread Storage: Eat at least one slice of freshly baked bread. It’s good. Toast any leftover slices if the bread gets too dry. You can store the bread in a sealed bag or airtight container for a few days on your counter or in the fridge for up to 5 days. Moisture will make the bread slices crumble and fall apart.
Pizza Leftovers: Slice and store on a plate with a cover or in an airtight container. Reheat in the microwave, pan or oven.
Troubleshooting Tips for Pizza Dough: If your dough hasn’t risen much after two to three hours, it is possible that your yeast wasn’t fresh. You can still bake the dough, but it might not rise as much when baking. If your dough is a sticky mess, consider dusting more flour on your dough or working surface to help you try and shape it.
Dusting Flour Options: If you run out of Caputo Fioreglut gluten-free flour and need dusting flour, try white rice flour. Even buckwheat, brown rice or sorghum flour will work plus it will be cheaper.
Some Nutrition Facts: Three (3) tablespoons of hemp seeds (30g) contain 10g of plant protein. Both the bread and pizza crust contain at least 10 grams. The bread includes almost double that amount. My recipes don’t usually include nutrition facts, but it is worth noting that the flour used for the pizza crust contains 390g of carbohydrates. A quarter of the pizza contains 97.5g of carbs from the flour (not including other ingredients).
HEALTH DISCLAIMER: Do not consume Caputo Fioreglut if allergic to wheat. Always consult a medical professional to learn if this product is right for you, especially if you have a sensitivity or gluten intolerance, celiac disease or other health condition that must follow a gluten-free or allergen-friendly diet.
I tried the pizza recipe using the Caputo Fiorglut Flour. I turned into a large flatbread; cut it up in 8 peices to make 4 sandwiches out of it. The crumb was perfect and the taste and chew of a non gluten flatbread😜❤️❤️
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Pkg. says Gluten free and then the disclaimer says do not eat if you are celiac, or wheat sensitive.
View CommentIm confused!
Hi Sharon! It’s confusing for sure! It’s supposed to be safe for people with celiac disease as per their testing methods, but it contains wheat starch, which is not safe if you have a wheat allergy. Some people are allergic to wheat but don’t have celiac disease. Those people might be okay with barley or rye if not cross-contaminated with wheat. So they can consume gluten-containing foods but not wheat. Does that make sense? I’m in multiple celiac groups, and many consume the Gluten-Free Caputo flour and love it. Many prefer to avoid it and don’t want to take a chance. King Arthur’s Gluten-Free Bread Flour with wheat starch is now available in the US. That company includes more information on the product page of their website. Consuming gluten-free wheat starch is a preference and might not be suitable for all. I trust products that are labeled and certified gluten-free. Whether or not wheat starch is healthy is a whole other conversation.
View CommentI made this recipe today in my bread machine. It’s super yummy! Tip once your dough has risen spray the top with a little olive oil. Mine turned out nice and golden ❤️ five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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