Comment on Gluten-Free Sourdough Starter by David.
Hi. I’m trying to get a starter going using a combination of sorghum and brown rice flours. I’m in Singapore, where it is warm and pretty humid all the time, I had to toss a few previous attempts because they got moldy within a day, I thought maybe this happened because they needed more feeding, so this time I am feeding twice per day right from the start. So far, so good, although today — day 3 — things are getting odd. This morning I had a decent amount of hooch, which I poured off. I discarded down to about 30 g of starter and then fed with more flour and water. Within just a few hours, I am already getting hooch on top.
Do you think it’s just super active and needs even more food? If so, any suggestions on how to keep it happy? Add more flour and water right away even though it’s only been a few hours? Discard and feed? Ride it out? Thanks for any suggestions!