Comment on How To Make Maple Cream by Sue Michalka.
Your photo (the circular one inside the pot with the thermometer) is FANTASTIC!!! So clever! Just love it!
I will be making this one day soon … and I won’t forget that photo any time soon.
Thank for all the recipes & helpful guidance … I’m keeping my Sorghum Sourdough Starter (named Chantal) and baking
& cooking up a storm with all my discard. I keep forgetting to get pictures of my creations.
Just HAD to comment on that photo — TERRIFIC!
Recent Comments by Sue Michalka
Easy Apple Cheddar Herb Biscuits
This NEW Easy Apple Cheddar Herb Biscuit recipe photo just caught my eye … reminded me of a Focaccia ART Bread recipe I found at Farmer’s Almanac, titled: Make Focaccia Art! Wondering if you have a Focaccia Bread (gut-friendly) recipe? If not, any idea if this might work?
Just a thought…
Simple Sorghum Sourdough
Just wanted to thank you for this lovely recipe. I’m recently retired and FINALLY have the time to devote to our 5 lovely gardens and canning and sourdough bread. I’ve raised 5 children (3 boys & twin girls) and my husband & I have moved back to his small hometown in northern Maine. I’ve baked bread for years, however, have in the last few years developed many food allergies/sensitivities and am hopeful that sourdough bread may help my troubled digestive system.
Question: What could I substitute for the potato starch? I have Tapioca Starch (in addition to the Arrowroot Starch). Would that work?
By the way, I’ve named my Sorghum Sourdough Starter: Chantal (after you)!
Thanks, again,