Comment on Simple Sorghum Sourdough by tes.
Hi Chantal,
I finally managed to get a nice starter going as the previous one started to mould. I really enjoyed making this bread and the taste of the bread is great. I also love how easy it is to slice. I do find it quite dense though, the bread. Is there any way to make it more airy, like having it raise longer, or do you think this is the best gluten-free bread can do?
Thanks in advance!
Recent Comments by tes
Sorghum Sourdough Starter
Hi Chantal,
Thank you for your reply! I removed the mold and gave it another feeding to check what would happen, but the mold just grew – so I threw it out. I am starting a new batch next week. Do you have any tips on how to avoid the mold?
Thank you for sharing this recipe. I am having some trouble though and would like your help. I am on day 7 or 8, I still keep getting liquid at the top of the jar. Am I not letting to much time in between feedings? Also, sometimes it looks very bubbly, but then it seems to fall flat again. Is there something I am doing wrong or any tips you can give? This morning I checked, and there was some fuzziness at the top of the jar. Is this mold and should I throw this batch away? Thanks!