Hello, I was wondering if there is a substitute for …

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Comment on Gluten-Free Vegan Bread Machine Loaf by Kate.

Hello, I was wondering if there is a substitute for the Buckwheat flour?

Recent Comments by Kate

Wild Yeast Bread (GF/V)
Hello, I am just making my first sourdough starter which I think is ready. I have enough for the recipe but wondered why I need two cups as apposed to the 1/2 cup in the recipe if I intend to use the active starter straight from the jar without feeding it first? Is it because a certain volume needs to be left in the jar in order to keep it going?

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Make sure the ingredients you purchase are prepared in a facility free from the top allergens YOU AVOID. Gluten-free products should be certified GF and clearly labelled. Consult your medical professional with your dietary questions.

Even certified gluten-free ingredients such as GF oats, corn, seeds, etc., can create health problems for individuals following a GF diet. Always consult a medical professional if unsure about ingredients for your needs.